Delivery and Returns
Where can you deliver?
Virtually anywhere. The only limitation being local restrictions on the importation of hazardous goods into certain countries.
Orders are shipped using one of our couriers to give the most cost effect solution which is dependent on the shipping destination. Orders usually ship within two working days from receipt of your order subject to inventory levels. Transit times will vary according to destination - normally one to two days within the UK and within 3 to 4 days for most international orders. We will advise you if there is any expected delay. Tracking information can be provided on request. If you need a faster delivery time please enquire.
Delivery Charges
Delivery within the UK:
We have no minimum order charge. Packing and carriage is charged at £12.50 per order. If we need to ship your order in more than one consignment you will only be charged once for delivery.
Delivery outside the UK:
We have no minimum order charge. Packing and carriage on international orders are charged at a fixed cost on a DDU (Delivery, Import Duty Unpaid) basis. Any applicable import duty and administration fees are the responsibility of the consignee. If your order contains Dangerous Goods we will inform you of any additional charges and suggest the best way to deliver these items.
International Shipments of Dangerous Goods
International shipments of Dangerous Goods can require additional packing and documentation. Some hazardous items cannot be shipped in the same package as others because of incompatibilities. Products can sometimes be packed down into smaller packs to allow shipping in Excepted Quantities (EQ) or Limited Quantities (LQ). We will inform you of the shipping cost for dangerous goods before dispatch.
Our products have been developed and tested to perform to the highest standards in elemental microanalysis and isotope ratio mass spectrometry applications. All of our products are unconditionally guaranteed to meet your expectations. If we fail to meet your standards for whatever reason we will issue a refund in full.
Standard Returns
You can return any unwanted items within 14 days of delivery for a refund
Damaged, Incorrect, Missing or Faulty Items
If any items are damaged, incorrect, missing or faulty please contact us within 7 days and we will arrange a replacement to be sent to you as soon as possible and if necessary free of charge.
Cancellation of orders after the goods have been dispatched can be accepted in legitimate circumstances but we may need to charge for the packing and shipping charges incurred. If there is a problem please get in touch.